Saturday, September 28, 2013

Spicy class soup!

I'm going to have one of those know the kind that makes you a better teacher in the end, but is tough to live through.  I won't go into details.  Every year Kindergarten teachers all over the country get a "class soup."  Since these little ones are new, nobody knows who should or shouldn't be put in the same "class pot."  My soup this year is just a little spicy.
We need lots of brain breaks during the day and thank goodness I have an Activboard to help me out. 
My school system also blocks YouTube, but never answer is here. 
I use RealPlayer Downloader.  I find fabulous videos and download them right to a flash drive to play during the day.  I thought I would share some of my favorite Youtube channels and videos. 

If you haven't checked out Harry Kindergarten,  what are you waiting for?  Drop everything and tune in.  He makes and shares the most amazing videos.  Some are to our favorite class tunes and others to tunes he creates himself.  Awesome stuff.  This is one that we just started watching.
Number Words Rap
I also like Have Fun Learning.  They have lots of videos on Youtube for free! 
Check out this one.
And...of course Sesame Street.  I love love Sesame Street!  Check out Bruno and the monsters!

With my videos ready to use for brain breaks, I might just survive my spicy soup year!


  1. I've had years like that as well-although the spicy does keep things from getting too bland! :) Always looking for good videos to use-thank you for sharing those! :)


  2. Thank you, I am in Kindergarten this year, using the Responsive Classroom as well. You'll find some nice songs on - she has a Kindergarten sight word song, for the ambitious!

  3. Thank you, I am in Kindergarten this year, using the Responsive Classroom as well. You'll find some nice songs on - she has a Kindergarten sight word song, for the ambitious!


Thank you for showing me some love! I LOVE comments.