.....read to the end to see how I use this product in my classroom!

Teacher Idea Factory
Kelley at The Teacher Idea Factory is hosting a Perfect Pen Pal Pair Up. You don't have to be a blogger to enter. You just have to have a classroom. It is going to be fabulous. I signed up my in-coming Kindergarten class. I will finally get to use that cool mailbox I had my Dad make for me four years ago. Click on the link and sign up.
Miss Whiddens Sweet Seconds
Lacey at Miss Whiddens Sweet Seconds is hosting a Post Card Swap. She is a second year teacher and a brand new blogger. She still has lots of states left. You will need some stamps, post cards and labels. I am so excited to use that cool mailbox again this year. I signed up to represent the state of Virginia.
Now I am linking up to share my favorite teaching supplies. This is also being hosted by Teacher Idea Factory. Ths girl is a do'er. Woo Hoo!

Now for my top five can't live without classroom resources.

I LOVE this glue. It doesn't run, there is a little clip for the kids to hook the lid onto the bottle during use. (NO more lost lids) and BEST of all...no clogging! There is a little tip on the lid that slides into the bottle when you put the lid on. It keeps the glue bottle from clogging. I purchases a bottle for each kiddo and I refill the bottle with glue the kids bring to school. I didn't believe that this would work so last year I purchased four bottles and gave them to my four little stinkers. It worked! Buy a bottle and try it.

Yep. Me too! I love these markers. The don't bleed through the chart paper and I can use them to help teach the five senses. They make me happy!

I use these for everything. Reminders to me...reminders for my Para. Graphing projects with the kiddos. I use them for everything and they come in pretty colors. What Kindergarten teacher doesn't like pretty colors?

I use my Activboard for so much. I use it for calendar, for center time, for lesson introductions, to show movie clips, for bus call...everything. I love it.

Gotcha didn't I? I love velcro, but no I don't stick the kids to the wall with it. LOL I use velcro to hang up stuff on my walls, cubby tags, coat tags, book box labels and for table name tags. I can move kids in an instant. Just pull the nametag and move it to a new space. No tape. I always put the fluffy side on the table or wall and I always put the rough side on the paper.
Thanks Kelley and Lacey for organizing all these fun activities. You are both awesome!