Friday, August 30, 2013

Winner Winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sarah, congratulations! As soon as Troy from Classroom Friendly Supplies verifies your entry, you will hear from us regarding your prize. 
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who entered. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Teacher Special 3 Pink (Buy 3 for only $17.99 each)
Oh my comes in PINK!  How fantastic is this....and Classroom Friendly Supplies donates $1.00 for each sharpener to cancer research and awareness.  Awesome! 
You can win a sharpener for yourself....only 9 MORE hours to enter!  Check out my giveaway!Click Here

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Giveaways Galore!

Don't forget.....enter my giveaway to win the most popular pencil sharpener of the year! 

I also found another giveaway  for you to enter. 
How about a silhouette?  Visit...I Teach. What's Your Super Power to enter her giveaway. 
I Teach. What's Your Super Power?


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Back to School/ 100+ Followers Giveaway

Woo Hoo!  I can FINALLY get into my classroom.  I was the VERY last classroom to be cleaned at my school.  I am so nervous and excited to get started!
I also noticed I have 100+ followers on Bloglovin!  Woo Hoo!
To celebrate, I am grateful that Classroom Friendly Supplies is allowing me to give away one of their very popular quietest pencil sharpeners! 
They come it four fabulous colors and you will even get to choose your favorite!  Groovy Green, Cool Blue, Firehouse Red or Midnight Blue.  To make this giveaway even sweeter, I am adding 2 dozen of my favorite pencils.  Ticonderoga #2! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you for following me and please share the love by sharing about this giveaway! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Meet a new friend and get a gift.

I LOVE doing exchanges, buying presents, getting presents and meeting new friends.  I  found an activity I'm going to try and you could try it too! 

The SLANT Box Exchange
Click on the button and check it out.  You have to sign up by the 3rd of each month, you are matched up by the 5th and you send out your package by the 20th.  Can't wait to get my match!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Two for Tuesday...A day or two late.

Sorry, I'm late. I've been squeezing in all the doctor's appointments I can since summer is fading away so fast. Here are my latest picture book finds.

Boot and Shoe were born into the same litter, and now they live in the same house. They eat out of the same bowl, pee on the same tree, and sleep in the same bed. But they spend their days apart—Boot on the back porch because he’s a back porch kind of dog, and Shoe on the front porch because he’s a front porch kind of dog. This is exactly perfect for them. But then a crazy neighborhood squirrel arrives . . . and everything goes topsy-turvy!  I am going to use this book during my reading block.  I will read about half the book and have the children predict what will happen to Boot and Shoe during the rest of the story.  I will then read the rest of the book and we will check our predictions. 

When a little boy’s of prized toy airplane lands on a rooftop, he makes several rescue attempts before devising an unexpected solution.
This is a wordless book that would be an awesome book to teach predictions.  I will show my class the book up to the page where the airplane lands on the roof and then ask them to predict how the boy will get his airplane off the roof. 
I start teaching prediction early in the school year, so I start off having my kinders draw a picture to show their predictions and then I write a short sentence under their prediction for them.  Later in the year, they write their own sentence. 
The summaries are from Amazon you and  click on the links to purchase the books for your own copies!
Just a reminder....only a few more hours for you to enter my giveaway on my science blog.  It easy---peezy to enter.  Click on my button...HERE.