Hi all,
Wow! We are on week 4 in school. It is sooo hard to believe that these little ones have been with me this long. The crying is less...and everyone is starting to understand and follow classroom procedures. You might be asking right now why it takes this class four weeks to "get with the Kindergarten program?"
Well, I have 20 little ones and over 1/2 of them speak a different language at home. Represented in our class is Spanish, Japanese, Twi, Igbo, French, Danish, and Gujarati. Some of these little ones speak fluent English, but most do not. Visual cues and modeling....oh my.
Although our school is considered Moderate Poverty, my class tips the balance toward High Poverty.
Most of my parents are awesome and want to help their kiddos. It is hard for them to help with letter sounds and word families, since they don't speak fluent English themselves.
I created a Donors Choose project to help both my parents and my students. Now, I need some advice. How do you get your project funded? I'm not having much luck and I don't have any experience with Donors Choose.
Any advice?